Tips on How to Navigate Medicare Open Enrollment

 Tips on How to Navigate Medicare Open Enrollment: 

  1. Realize that Medicare Open Enrollment (Oct. 15 –Dec. 7th) has NOTHING to do with Obamacare.
  2. One can keep current coverage despite all the offers that come your way. If you are satisfied with your plan TOSS all the prospecting fliers.
  3. The FIRST step is deciding whether one wants to have Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan or Medicare Advantage.
  4. Supplement plans are offered in letter names. A,B,C, etc. F has the highest level of coverage but is expensive. Most popular are G and N. Supplement lettered plans with all insurance companies offer the SAME benefits. The only differences are quality of service provided by the company and the cost. Supplement plans are accepted by EVERY physician, hospital, and medical provider that accepts Medicare. Coverage continues even if you move to another state. Supplement plans DO NOT include Rx drug coverage. One has to purchase a separate Drug plan.
  5. Medicare Advantage plans offer a range of coverage options.( HMO, PPO, PFFS). Some offer wellness, hearing, vision, and dental. Some plans can’t be used outside your state. Some require referrals and or in/network providers. Most Advantage plans are packaged with Rx coverage.

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