An event held on May 23, 2017 at the State Capitol in Harrisburg that served as an opportunity for physicians, residents and medical students to speak with legislators about key issues affecting patients.
Water contamination and the healthcare of our community seminar at PCMS HQ’s March 2017.
Safe & Competent Opioid Prescribing Education Program
Addressing the Opioid Crisis Safe & Competent Opioid Prescribing Education program at PCMS HQ’s March 17-18, 2017.
Annual President Installation Dinner
Annual President Installation Dinner and Awards Night held at the Philadelphia Country Club September 24, 2016.
PCMS Women in Medicine Program
PCMS Women in Medicine Program held at PCMS HQ’s on September 13, 2016.
HIV-AIDS Awareness Reception
HIV/AIDS Awareness Reception in recognition of the 30th Anniversary of Public Health efforts headed by the last US Surgeon General, D. Everett Koop MD.
Opioid Roundtable Meeting
Opioid Roundtable Meeting Held April 12, 2016 at PCMS HQ’s.
PAMED Annual Business Meeting
PAMED Annual Business Meeting held at Hershey Lodge, Oct 24 to Oct 25, 2015.
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