The AMA released the following COVID-19 update on May 18, 2020: The AMA has received many questions from physicians and medical societies related to the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund,…
On May 15, AMA sent a letter to Congressional leadership in support of the HEROES Act. The bill is under consideration in the House. You can view the letter here:…
On May 14, AMA released updates on their efforts related to COVID-19: First, the American Medical Association (AMA) issued guidance to help physicians and the public understand potential uses and…
On May 14, 2020, PAMED released the results of its survey assessing the impact of COVID-19 on outpatient care in Pennsylvania. The survey was conducted in late April and was…
The following are new resources (as of May 2020) provided by the City of Philadelphia: Philadelphia Department of Public Health daily data postings: Guidance for essential personnel and businesses:…
The Philadelphia Department of Public Health released the following health advisory on May 12, 2020: Summary Points: COVID-19 testing is increasingly available at public health and commercial laboratories. Nasal, nasal…