PCMS is sharing information about these programs for physicians and patients looking for additional resources on quitting the use of tobacco products.
1. The PA Free Quitline is expanding the scope of their coverage for tobacco treatment medications.
- Eligible PA Free Quitline callers enrolled in phone counseling will now be offered a total of eight weeks of combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), instead of the previous offering of four weeks.
- A 3-month supply of Chantix will be offered to newly enrolled Quitline enrollees who are covered by Medical Assistance. (Beginning 8/01/2019)
- Pregnant enrollees will now receive incentives of $10/call ($15/call postpartum.)
- Eligible PA Free Quitline users enrolled in online counseling will now be offered two weeks of combination nicotine replacement.
For more information, please visit the Quitlogix website or smokefreephilly.org
Additional resources:
• Information about referring patients to the PA Free Quitline
• Top 10 Questions about Quitlines
• [VIDEO] Calling a Quitline for the first time
2. My Life, My Quit is an enhanced tobacco and vaping cessation program for teens under age 18 who want to stop using tobacco products, especially electronic cigarettes like JUUL.
The My Life, My Quit specially trained coaches listen and understand teens, provide personalized support, and build relationships that promote quitting tobacco. Coaches emphasize that the decision to stop is personal, and provide information to help cope with stress, navigate social situations, and support developing a tobacco-free identity. My Life, My Quit is 100% free, confidential, and made for teens.
There are multiple ways to enroll, or just get more information:
1. Text “Start My Quit” to 855-891-9989
2. Call 855-891-9989
3. Visit the My Life, My Quit website
3. The below handouts outlining the extensive insurance coverage tobacco treatment medications and behavioral coaching by major insurance plan: