PCMS Delegation heads to Hershey for HOD (October 24 and 25, 2015

PCMS Delegation heads to Hershey  for  State Medical Society Annual Business Meeting, Oct 24 and Oct 25, 2015  

MMJ, LGBT health care disparities, and vaccination access on list to be reviewed 

Several public health resolutions including one on medical marijuana and another on LGBT health care disparities are up for debate at the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s (PAMED) annual House of Delegates, and if successful will become new policy for the statewide association.

Resolutions are currently posted to the organization’s virtual reference committee website at http://www.pamedsoc.org/vrc, which allows any Medical Society member the ability to post comments with their thoughts on the subject through October 15.

Some public health resolutions include

Universal Access for Vaccinations in PA (15-205) – this resolution asks PAMED to support efforts to have insurers pay for appropriate vaccines regardless of  the point of service as both incident to a service, as a separate service not requiring a visit with a provider, or at the pharmacy as a benefit.  It also asks the Pennsylvania Medical Society to make public knowledge and encourage local pharmacies to stock and supply vaccines to patients when patients bring a valid prescription and is in receipt of a current Vaccine Information Sheet for this vaccine as requested by their personal physician.  Also, as with current influenza vaccine availability for minors, that when a pharmacist administers a vaccination to an adult or minor, that it is registered in the Pennsylvania state vaccine registry, and that some form of communication of administration is passed back to the ordering physician/practitioner.

Reducing Healthcare Disparities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Patients (15-206) – this resolution asks PAMED to advocate for future research efforts that are specifically designed to investigate LGBT health issues; and to establish standing policy on LGBT health. In addition it requests that PAMED publish a news brief on current LGBT health issues in Pennsylvania.

Remove Opposition to Legalization of Medical Marijuana Under Certain Conditions (15-403) – this resolution asks PAMED to maintain opposition to Pennsylvania Senate Bill 3 as currently worded, but support use of medical marijuana for compassionate care and medical conditions in which no FDA-approved prescription medication is effective.

Other resolutions covering various other topics related to the delivery of health care or management of the statewide organization are also currently posted in PAMED’s virtual reference committee and will go in front of its full House of Delegates.

Resolutions presented to PAMED’s House of Delegates typically come through county and specialty medical societies after being authored by any member.  The resolutions are discussed in both virtual and live reference committees consisting of physicians and medical students.  Those participating in live reference committees must be seated delegates to the organization’s House of Delegates.  Participation in virtual reference committees is open to any Pennsylvania physician or medical student.

Summary of the 2015 PAMED HOD will follow.

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