Certain primary care specialties are eligible for increased fees in 2013-2014. What this means is instead of getting paid $31 for 99213 under the Medicaid fee schedule, you will receive the Medicare fee of $67 for the next two years. In order to qualify, you must be board certified in primary care, internal medicine or pediatrics, or a subspecialty of one of these as recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
DPW just released revised instructions and an attestation form that all physicians must submit.
A deadline to submit the attestation has been extended from March 1st to April 1st Because DPW does not anticipate the fee schedule to be updated to pay the increased amounts until around April 1st, they will have to reprocess all claims paid prior to the fee schedule update in order for providers to retroactively receive the increases….But only if you file their attestation before April 2nd.
Anyone who previously submitted any data or attestation – prior to the release of this attestation form, will have to resubmit the attestation. The State Medical Society is working with both CMS and DPW to allow physician groups to attest as a group, but have not received a response as of yet.