120513_Modifications to the Bipartisan Bicameral Discussion Draft SGR DISCUSSION DRAFT (2)        SGR DISCUSSION DRAFT (2)

Attached are two documents:  (1) a summary of changes that were made in the bicameral, bipartisan proposal to repeal the sustainable growth rate formula (SGR); and (2) the original outline of the proposal, which was released on October 31.

You will see that the committees adopted many changes that are consistent with recommendations made by the AMA and others.  The AMA has initiated a review of the revised proposal and will share its views with the Federation over the next few days.

The Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to mark-up the revised SGR proposal on Dec. 12.  The House Ways and Means Committee is also working to  formally review and mark-up the proposal next week, before Congress adjourns for its holiday recess.  In the meantime, it has been reported that Congress may move legislation soon to address the 24 percent Medicare physician payment cut that is scheduled to take effect on January 1.  Our understanding is that this would be a short-term “bridge” to maintain program stability while Congress completes action after the recess on legislation to permanently repeal the SGR.

These are encouraging developments.

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