EHR Deadline Approaching: Medicare EPs Must Attest by February 28, 2013
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to remind eligible professionals (EPs) who participated in the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program in 2012 to complete attestation for the 2012 program year by February 28, 2013.
EPs must have completed their 2012 reporting period by December 31, 2012, in order to be eligible to attest at this time. Preparing for Medicare EHR Incentive Program Attestation EPs can visit the CMS EHR Incentive Programs registration webpage to register for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. Before submitting their attestation, EPs can enter information in the Meaningful Use Attestation Calculator ( to receive preliminary information on whether they should be able to meet all of the necessary core and menu measures and can successfully demonstrate meaningful use and qualify for an EHR incentive payment. How to Attest for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program Medicare EPs must demonstrate meaningful use through the CMS’ web-based Registration and Attestation System ( for the 2012 program year. In the Medicare & Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Registration and Attestation System, providers will answer yes or no, or fill in numerators and denominators, for the meaningful use objectives and clinical quality measures; indicate if they qualify for exclusions to specific objectives; and legally attest that they have successfully demonstrated meaningful use.
Don’t Delay CMS encourages Medicare EPs to register and attest as soon as possible to resolve any potential issues that may delay their payment. EPs participating in the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program should check with their State for their attestation deadline: Resources CMS encourages EPs to visit the CMS Registration & Attestation page for more information on registration and attestation, and links to additional resources: