ATTN: PCMS PHYSICIANS & DELEGATES! PAMED ANNUAL MEETING; OCTOBER 17-19, 2014 HERSHEY LODGE, HERSHEY, PA The 2014 PAMED House of Delegates & Annual Education Conference will be held at the…
CMS Medicare FFS Provider e-News for Thursday, June 20, 2013 06/20/2013 The CMS Medicare FFS Provider e-News contains important news, announcements, and updates for Medicare FFS providers. Please share it…
The following is the slate which the PCMS Nominating Committee will present to the PCMS Board of Directors on Wednesday, March 21, 2013 for the term June, 2013-June, 2014. Additional…
The following CMS e-News edition includes the provider education message related to TDL 13169, “New Implementation Date of January 25, 2013 for G0459 – Inpatient Telehealth Pharmacologic Management, Including Prescription,…
CMS Medicare FFS Provider e-News for Thursday, February 14, 2013 This edition of the CMS e-News includes the following information: National Provider Calls How to Avoid a 2014 eRx…
DPW Form Attestation Certain primary care specialties are eligible for increased fees in 2013-2014. What this means is instead of getting paid $31 for 99213 under the Medicaid fee schedule,…