Phishing Scam Advisory

The following is an advisory from the American College of Surgeons (ACS).

Fraudulent e-mails are being sent out to ACS members and those of other societies that appear to be coming from the chapter president. These appear to be targeting treasurers, secretary-treasurers and administrators, asking for the transfer of funds to a specific bank account.

An example of such an email would be:

Hi Jim,
I need you to make a payment to a vendor we used at our last chapter meeting. Can you please transfer $1200 to the account # below. The payment is due today and I will get you the invoice as soon as I get out of this meeting and back to my office. Please let me know when it is done.

Here is an article further discussing scams of this nature:

We ask that our membership remain vigilant when checking their emails. Our emails will always contain the domain

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